Top 7 Reasons To Get Married
Photo Courtesy: jdnx
A recent research states that most youth believe marriage to be obsolete. Most shudder from even the thought of having to say goodbye to their bachelorhood. They’d rather stick to one night stands and live-ins to satisfy their lonely hearts. But I’d like to disagree. There are plenty of advantages of being married that singles don’t get to enjoy. If you get married to the right person, married life is any day better than staying single all your life. I’ll tell you why.
1. Marriage gives you commitment
No matter how much you may shun away away from commitment, deep down inside everyone longs for someone whom they can take for granted. Everyone longs for a person whom they can call their own. If you don’t have such a person in your life, I can bet you must be really lonely. Marriage is the best form of commitment. There is certainly something about going to the altar with the one you love and professing your feelings in front of God, and hundreds of witnesses. That feeling cannot be explained, it can only be experienced.
2. Marriage makes you happy
Happiness might be relative. But waking up every morning into the arms of the one you love and knowing that they love you back will make you more happy than you can imagine. The best part about marriage is that it binds you to the other person for life, making that person your family member now. Studies reveal that in the long run, married people tend to be about 135% happier than those who are unmarried.
3. Marriage helps you to live longer
Married people are constantly occupied. If it is not work, it is managing the family, spending time with each other and with the children. Whatever it is, married people always seem to have something or the other coming up. As a result they don’t have the time to think about unnecessary problems. As a result, married people are less prone to heart diseases when compared to unmarried people. Due to this, they also tend to live longer as compared to their unmarried friends.
4. Marriage improves your financial condition
Often unmarried people don’t give a damn about the future. They don’t have any kind of responsibility to back them up when it comes to their careers. Hence, many-a-times these singlebees tend to get lethargic. Married people on the other hand constantly have the responsibility of looking after their family, backing them up. It is this responsibility that constantly keeps them on their toes. Due to all of this, in the long run, they are the ones who generally end up improving their financial condition and earning lots of money.
5. Marriage increases your magnetism
The forbidden fruit always has been sweeter and so are married women. There cannot be anything more irresistible than a hot lady who’s taken. A married woman is automatically assumed to be more mature and understanding. People tend to take you seriously when you have that married tag on you. This increase your magnetism and attraction quotient wherever you go.
6. Marriage grants you a good sex life
Singlehood doesn’t guarantee you a good sex life, marriage does. If you are married to a caring, loving and sensitive man, I’m sure having sex will get more and more fun with time. Married people tend to understand each others needs over the years. As a result they just keep getting better over years. Singles on the other hand are faced with awkwardness and sometimes even lack of sexual compatibility. According to the National Marriage Project, married people also tend to have sex more often and with a higher rate of satisfaction.
7. Marriage makes you more responsible
Marriage is not easy. It is tougher than even the toughest examinations you must have ever given. But at the end of the day, it teaches you a lot. It makes you more independent, more responsible and a better person all together. You are stronger to tackle difficult situations. It prepares you to take your relationship to the next level, raising children.
I hope I’ve been able to convince you enough and I hope to hear the sound of your wedding bells ringing really soon.