Great Breakfast Ideas For Your Dieting Days
Photo Courtesy: Mr Michael Phams
We thought dieting was the worst thing in the world until we caught up with our friends Jenny, 31 and Darcy, 40, who gave us some great breakfast ideas. Here are some top breakfast ideas that you may want to try out if your are dieting. Whoever thought that dieting would be so delicious?
1. Fruity Porridge
‘Fruity porridge is a breakfast idea that is delicious and very healthy’ said Jenny. ‘Depending on the size of the serving, heat 1 to 2 cups of rolled oats and 2 to 3 cups of water in a medium pan. After cooking it for 5-10 minutes, you can drizzle some honey on top and add a variety of dried fruit like apricot and raisins’. Friends, this is a great breakfast idea because it will supply a good amount of dietary fiber, iron, zinc and many other essentials to keep you going in the day.
2. Fruit Smoothie
We love the idea of having a fruit smoothie for breakfast because we can’t think of anything better than fruits to start the day with. Jenny recommends fruits like bananas, mangoes or strawberries. ‘Making a fruit smoothie is easier than you think’, says Jenny. ‘You will require about 1 cup of milk (low fat), a few tablespoons of yogurt and a large piece of fruit’. Just mix all of this and push the button on the blender. Darcy adds her own little tip and says ‘Add some crushed ice to your smoothie for a perfect start to a summer morning’.
3. Scrambled Egg and Field Mushrooms
We love our eggs, don’t we? Here we take a simple scrambled egg breakfast to the next level by serving them with field mushrooms. ‘Brush on some olive oil onto the mushrooms and put them on the oven grill for about 10 minutes. Whisk an egg or two in a bowl, add salt, add pepper and pour the mixture on a pan’ says Darcy. She also goes on to mention that ‘you can either serve the scrambles on top of the mushrooms, or serve them separately on the side’. We love this idea, Darcy.
4. Cereal with fresh fruit
We all know that eating cereal is great for the body as the high fiber content reduces fatigue. Wouldn’t you love to be fatigue-free during the day? Jenny suggests you fill a bowl with your favorite cereal, some low fat milk and add fresh fruit. ‘This is great for women who are on the run. If you are in a hurry, but still want to grab a quick bite, you can munch on some healthy cereal. Add flavor to your favorite cereal bowl by adding pieces of freshly chopped fruit. Maybe even drizzle some honey?’ she says.
5. Fruit Bowl
Why should we have a fruit bowl for breakfast? ‘Because fruits generally contain vitamins, water and have high fiber content’ says Darcy. Experts also suggest that regular intake of fruit reduces risks of stroke, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and much more. Darcy adds, ‘Fruits are a woman’s best friend when it comes to dieting. Mix chopped pieces of banana, apples, kiwi, pineapple, guava, pear and grapes in a bowl with some low fat yogurt’. What a great way to boost your nutritional intake when you start off your day, don’t you think?
‘No diet plan is complete without a great breakfast’ says Jenny. We too think that a healthy breakfast will go a long way in promoting good health for you.