Top 7 Benefits Of Drinking Tea jevvv
When a friend suggested going to a new tea joint down the road, I became grumpy. I refused to budge from my usual coffee place – I love my caffeine! She was determined to take me there; and I was determined not to go. Well, that was 7 months back. I am totally converted. Let this ex-coffee addict tell you why tea is not only super cool, but has other added benefits too.
1. Varieties that will never bore you
I’ve been living with the pleasure of taking a pick from a gourmet selection of teas such as chamomile, green, black, apple and cinnamon, Earl grey, mint, lemon, oolong, Darjeeling, orange zest and jasmine tea each morning. You can choose from nutty, moist, dry, woody and earthy flavors. No need to have the same tea each day. Buy loose sachets of all types of Teas. Wake up in the morning, watch the sunrise and think of which flavor you are in the mood of and pour out your cuppa.
2. Rich in antioxidants
Are you someone who thinks drinking wine is good because it has antioxidants? Forget wine, think Tea! Teas are rich in antioxidants such as ‘flavonoids’ and other nutrients which are beneficial to the heart. All the antioxidants present in it will stop the oxidation of cholesterols that can harm you, whilst increasing all the beneficial cholesterol in your body. There you have it – all-in-one! I have been told by tea experts that these elements also help in lowering and controlling blood pressure, lowering the risk of cancer and protecting you from blood clotting. While those tea experts comment, scientists are still trying to prove these last few claims.
3. Covering Vices
Many researchers claim that tea helps to eliminate the ill-effects of vices. It is said to reduce the effect of nicotine and other chemicals on the body. However, I’m told that these claims are still being verified. Yeah, before you even go down that lane, put that evil mind to rest and don’t use this as an excuse to smoke or drink.
4. Wakes you up and brings good mood
I feel very stressful when there’s too much work but my boss isn’t really going to understand that. Yeah, no surprises there. This used to frustrate me but I now have my secret weapon to battle it out. One deep breath of a hot and exotic flavored tea does wonders to my mood. I recommend you try it too. If red bull gives you wings, this will give you rocket boosters! This happens because tea has a direct stress relieving effect on the nervous system. Tea breaks can work like power naps – short but effective. My tip – keep sachets of different flavored teas in your drawer for a quick mood fix whenever you want.
5. Other medicinal benefits
Are you looking for an all round healing remedy? A great alternative therapy that I can suggest to you out of my own experience is tea drinking. Why do you think the Chinese include Jasmine tea and Green tea regularly in the diet? It’s because of their natural healing qualities. A tea leaf contains some tannic acid which is great to soothe pains and swelling. It also contains alkaloid which controls and regulates metabolism. And of course, the irresistible part of tea – its aromatic properties aid in the process of digestion. Why pop pills if you can alleviate all your health problems with a few cups of tea each day?
6. Natural reduction of sugar
My GP asked me to cut down on sugar. I said, no worries! Tea – whether regular, gourmet or flavored, will rock your taste buds with or without sugar. If you become a seasoned tea drinker like me, you will start appreciating the tea for what it is – straight off the plant. This will naturally cut down your sugar intake in the day as compared to coffee or other energy drinks.
7. Tooth cleansing
Sick and tired of those gum flavors that you’ve been having to chew in and out each day? Horrified of visiting your dentist each quarter? Just a cup of green tea will freshen your mouth and act as a breath, gum and tongue cleanser. Cut down your nasty visits to the dentist with regular doses of green tea. Your cavities will thank you, and so will your pocket. Get your stock today!
Tea works as a great medicine cum refreshing agent, only if had in proper amounts – don’t overdo your ride with tea. As they say, have everything in moderation. Too much tea will increase acidity in your stomach, may give you insomnia or even indigestion. Welcome your mornings from now on with a brew of Tea leaves. Are you a convert already?