How To Color Hair – Secrets Revealed
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As it is popularly known, a haircut can change one’s face significantly. Just like a new hairdo can give your looks a new lease of life, adding some fun color to your hair can also spruce up your looks. The best part about hair coloring is that it is a low cost process, if done at home. It involves some amount of knowledge on how to pick a hair color, how to mix the color, which brushes to use for application and post hair color care. Read below to know everything about hair color.
1. How long do you want the color to stay?
There are so many hair dye/color types in the market that it is easy to get confused. To make things simpler, you must understand that basically there is a permanent hair color and a semi-permanent hair color, with a slight amount of variation in each, of course. A permanent hair tint must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to enhance the color. Peroxide helps to open the hair cuticle so that the tint can penetrate through the cortex and form the color. Whereas a semi-permanent tint is to be used as a color that complements the color of your natural hair– not as a makeover tool. The good thing about a semi-permanent color is that is lasts for about 20 washes only. If you don’t like the color you applied; you can always go back to your natural color.
2. Which hair color is right for you?
As far as picking a suitable hair color is concerned, it is largely a matter of personal choice. Different coloring methods suit different hair styles, so you should get some expert advice. Ask friends about what they think, which color would suit you or refer to the Internet and beauty magazines to check how it looks on other models, whose hair color is similar to yours. Your new hair color should basically complement your skin tone. You yourself must have noticed that light- skinned people don’t look good with very dark hair. Hence, you should take your skin tone into account before deciding which hair color you should select.
3. Which shade will suit you best?
If you are blonde, stick to dark brown hair. Even if you want a red head that cries out for attention, make sure you don’t dye your hair entirely red, otherwise reversing the process will be difficult. Red hair looks good in movies and music videos but not necessarily in reality. The safest choice, as an alternative, would be brown. There can be many variations within a brunette range- chocolate brown, bronze, honey or dark blonde. Black is another option. This is the most standard and easiest color to accomplish not only because black in any case is a natural color, but also because the molecules in black tints are large enough to enable it to cover all hair types nicely. Before you opt for black, do take your age into consideration. For an older age, natural white hair will look much better than coloring them black.
4. Pre-coloring tips
Before you begin to color your hair, it is best to wash your hair with a good shampoo that removes the dirt and pollutants off your hair. Condition your hair few days before doing the actual coloring as the conditioner can interfere with the dye bonding your hair. Get a friend’s help, if you have long unmanageable hair. Doing test strands with your friends will teach you to be patient since the process is time consuming. Very thick, long hair may have to be colored in sections. Do ensure that you don’t re-color already colored hair.
5. Hair coloring: the critical part
While coloring, read instructions on your hair color bottle carefully. Put your hand gloves on and pour the color and the developer into a bowl. Using a color brush, mix the solution well. Now, start at the top front of your hair and make a parting in your hair with the tail of the color brush and another part parallel to the first one. Hold up the parted section of hair and apply color on that strand. Make another parting on the other side i.e. the roots where you previously applied the color mixture. Brush the color mixture onto the roots of the section held up and the roots of the adjacent section just as done previously. In this way, finish up all your hair, strand by strand and leave the color for about twenty minutes. After that, re-coat the ends of your hair, if any of it is remaining and keep it only for five minutes. The key is not to hurry!
6. Post-coloring tips
Rinse your hair thoroughly, apply a conditioner again and wait for a day to shampoo your hair. For post hair color treatments, make sure you condition your hair regularly and use shampoos specifically made for colored and chemically treated hair.
You may take the risk of hair damage, if you use the wrong level of peroxide or if you process your hair excessively. If you keep flipping between various hair colors, for instance, if you go from blonde to brown and back to blonde, without proper conditioning, then you are likely to damage your hair permanently.
Coloring your hair at home requires some amount of practice and expertise. If you are ready to experiment and take a chance, then in a few months you will surely be an expert yourself. If you are unsure about these processes then don’t take a chance, let it be done by a professional. But observe how they do it and learn from them, so that you can do it yourself later.