How Vegetables Help Prevent Cancer? lightbulbf
Over the last few decades, cancer has become a threat to many people on our planet. Our way of life and ecology puts everyone under the danger of getting this dreadful illness. However, scientists have discovered that some vegetables possess elements which kill carcinogens – cancer causing agents. Let’s take a look at how eating vegetables may help to beat cancer.
One of the best vegetables you may eat to prevent or beat cancer is cabbage and all its ‘family members’. For years, there were only few kinds of cabbages commonly consumed in Europe or America. But when this Asian cuisine won the hearts of Westerners, they were introduced to other different sorts of cabbage.
There are many Chinese and other Asian kinds of cabbage you can eat to prevent cancer. Scientists have discovered that all kinds of cabbage contain certain elements called glucosinolates. These elements kill cancer cells and prevent cancer.
Also, scientists discovered that all vegetables are rich with vitamins and antioxidants. There is an infection theory of how cancer develops. Some scientists believe cancer is caused by excessive pollution of our bodies with various viruses and bacteria. Vitamins and antioxidants in vegetables help our bodies to cope with them and be healthy.