6 Foods That Give Energy Instantly
Photo Courtesy: plumandjello
The fast paced life these days calls for an active lifestyle which consequently requires more energy in order to succeed at work and other arenas of life. And as we all know, right food is a must for the right kind of lifestyle. To have an energetic lifestyle, you need to have energizing foods that provide you with the required amount of nutrients as well as the right amount of calories. Here we have a list of foods that give energy instantly.
1. Blueberries
Blueberries are a natural and tasty way of getting energy. They are very helpful in stimulating your brain and giving you lots of energy for the entire day. They are full of powerful antioxidants. And the best part about blueberries is that they do not contain cholesterol or fat and they are low in calories.
2. Beans
Beans are well known for strengthening the kidney, adrenal glands and nervous system. They promote both physical growth and development. And when it comes to energy, beans are a great source of the same. They are one of the biggest source of antioxidants and proteins.
3. Fruits
Different fruits like avocado, papaya, guava, orange are a good and healthy source of energy. Along with energy, they promise essential proteins, vitamins and fibers.
4. Nuts
Nuts are loaded with proteins and proteins are the best source of energy. When you feel lethargic, you can have nuts as revitalizers. Other components of nuts are coenzyme Q10 and omega 3 fatty acids. Both are a good source of energy. You can have nuts as healthy snacks. Usually almost all nuts provide you energy but the best among them are almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts and pecans.
5. Oatmeal
It is rich in complex, energy sustaining carbohydrates, low in fat and high in fiber. It is also a healthy way of getting more energy without putting on extra weight. A great food for those who are health conscious. A breakfast comprising oatmeal is a healthy way to start the day.
6. Whole grains
Like oatmeal, whole grains are another way of getting energy from a healthy source. Along with energy, they also provide fiber and are available in many forms in the market which makes them easily available.