50 Super Tips To Get Healthy Hair
What do you think is one of the most important things you should take care of, to look beautiful? Of course, makeup is one of them. But what else? It’s hair, dear friends. Let’s take a look at 50 great tips which will give you beautiful and healthy hair.
Photo Courtesy: Kr. B.
1. Don’t overexpose your hair to the sun
If you are a lady going about town in the harsh sun, cover your head with a hat or a scarf. This will ensure healthy hair in the longer run.2. Condition regularly
We stick by the rule, no matter what. Shampooing your hair has no meaning until you follow it up by conditioning to give you the healthy hair you want.3. Apply hair serum twice a week
Want to remove the frizz after washing your hair? Simply run a pound sized drop of serum to get beautiful, untangled, healthy hair.4. Keep hair loose until they dry completely after a wash
Do you know the best way to keep your hair healthy and untangled after a wash? Wrap them in your towel and simply dab them dry. Don’t dry them with strenuous pulls and jerks.5. Trim regularly
This won’t ensure that your hair grows longer, but it will surely give you healthy hair because you’ll be removing split ends and dead hair by trimming.6. Use good quality hair tools
Whether it’s a hair iron, a pair of tweezers, a blow dryer or curling tools, you have to ensure that your equipment is rust free and made of A-grade quality. This is a sure shot way to give you healthy hair.7. Regularize your sleep cycles
Just like your body has a mechanism of replenishing nutrients and calming your nervous system down when you sleep, your hair follicles and scalp too, are replenished only when you have a minimum of 8 hours sleep every day.8. Use the blow dryer as less as possible
Are you always in a hurry when you wash your hair? Do you always blow dry your hair even if you can let it dry naturally in the sun? This will make your hair frizzy and brittle in the longer run and is a complete no-no for healthy hair.9. Don’t color your hair with multiple colors
We wonder why girls can’t be happy with one color. Or at least wait for one color to wear off before getting another one. Color hopping is not going to give you healthy hair, girls. You will completely lose the natural color of your hair.10. Don’t keep changing hairstyles too often
Imagine what would happen to your lips if you kept changing the lip color throughout the day. In the same way, you’ll mess up your healthy hair by trying multiple hairstyles.Photo Courtesy: ktpupp
11. Use medicated shampoos once in a while
If your scalp feels itchy or laden with flaky skin and dandruff, use medical shampoos recommended by a dermatologist. These are special medicated shampoos that will give you healthy hair, when applied according to the prescribed dose.12. Don’t wash hair too frequently
If you’re over obsessed about having healthy hair, we understand that you’d like to clean them by shampooing them regularly. But if you go overboard with it, your hair will lose its natural oils, moisture and sheen.13. Don’t change hair cosmetics too frequently
We used to love doing this, but we realized how badly healthy hair can go for a toss if brands of hair cosmetics are changed every now and then. Don’t do it, friends.14. Have a balanced diet
And you thought food had nothing to do with healthy hair? You’re so wrong! Having green veggies, fruits and foods that contain vitamins will replenish nutrients and give you healthy hair.15. Exercise to increase blood circulation
Did you know that your hair follicles too need some physical activity to grow? And overall fitness is important for the whole of the body, not just for healthy hair. Why not just go for it on a regular basis?16. Exfoliate your scalp
To have healthy hair, you need to give it a good foundation by having a healthy scalp. Heat up some aroma hair oil and rub gently over your scalp in circular motions, once a week.17. Get hair massages
Not only is it relaxing to get a hair sauna or a head massage, but it is also extremely healthy for your hair. It will allow your pores to open up and suck as much oil and moisture as possible.18. Don’t change colors too frequently
Give your locks a buffer period in between changing up your color chemicals. To keep your hair healthy and smooth, you need to go slow on your chemical onslaught, if you must.19. Don’t blow dry when your hair is dripping wet
We know of some women completely ripping their healthy hair apart by blow drying them when they’re dripping wet. Beware friends, you could get electrocuted like this!20. Limit your vices
Did you know that vices like alcohol addiction and smoking can suck up all the moisture from your healthy hair? And this can hit your hair in the worst possible way. Healthy hair needs to be constantly hydrated. Kick that cigarette butt today.Photo Courtesy: jakuza
1. Don’t over brush your hair
Your elderly aunt may have told you to brush your hair with a 100 strokes a day, but those rules are of the yesteryears. To have healthy hair, make sure you don’t overdo on the brushing.22. Never shampoo before swimming
You need to shampoo after swimming to remove all the chlorine from the hair, not before swimming.23. Avoid using harsh elastic bands
Are you having half broken hair every time you use a fancy hair clip or a band? Avoid using these accessories, girls. It can end up completely breaking and ruining your healthy hair.24. Don’t pull a hairstyle directly on wet hair
Hear us out, friends. Never ever tie your hair when it is still wet. You can put a small pin or a clip on it to make them manageable, but tying them up means giving your wet them an ugly shape. You don’t want that to happen to your healthy hair, right?25. Use an anti frizz cream to tame those split ends
Are you going to a party with frizzy hair popping out of your sides? Don’t let your healthy hair get frizzed out every time you shampoo them. Simply apply some anti-frizz cream on the tail ends and watch how they smoothen out.26. Don’t leave hair cosmetics applied on your hair continuously
If you are using a lot of styling gels, hair sprays, hair mousse and other cosmetics on your hair, you need to get all of those products out of your hair by using a clarifying shampoo every time single time you use them. Leaving them on can be a disaster for healthy hair.27. Get rid of the dandruff
Are you suffering from horrid dandruff issues? Is dandruff the main reason why you’re not able to show off your healthy hair to the world? Try this tip out. Simply put 5-6 large drops of vinegar on a cotton ball and dab it all over your scalp. Leave it for a day and follow it up with a wash.28. Try using products such as a proteinizers and re-constructors If you have extremely dry hair
Are you plagued with extremely dry and flaky hair? Then be ready to supplement your hair with additional nutrients through proteinizers and re-constructors on the instruction of your stylist. You’ll end up with shinier and healthy hair with this tip.29. Use shampoo according to your hair type
No doubt, there are tons of branding gimmicks out there. But if you use good quality shampoos suited for specific hair types such as dry hair, normal hair, chemically treated hair etc, it will keep your hair healthy and beautiful.30. Use hair spray once in a while to give life to your hair
Are you going to a party and want your hair to have some volume? Simply splash some hair spray on your hairstyle and you’ll get the firmness and the look you want in your healthy hair.Photo Courtesy: Jim Bahn
31. Always wear a head cap during swimming
As you might already know, a swimming pool’s water has lots of chlorine and other disinfectants mixed in it. Imagine what they could do to your healthy hair?32. Use wide toothed comb brush hair immediately after a wash
If you use a fine toothed comb in your hair, you may end up roughing them up too much. Fine brushes running over a still-wet scalp can cause a lot of hair breakage.33. Don’t share your combs
We’re sure you don’t want dandruff, bacteria, lice and dry skin flakes being transferred to your healthy hair right? Then stop using your friends’ or your sisters’ brushes.34. Don’t color the roots
Are you a fan of jazzing up your hairstyles with lots of vibrant streaks, highlights and shades? Well, we don’t think that’s the best thing to do to your healthy hair, but if you must, avoid coloring from the roots.35. For frizzy hair, use a jojoba oil wrap
Do you have a tendency of getting frizzy hair when you come out from a hair wash? That’s pretty common, girls. Don’t battle it out. Simply use 4-5 drops of jojoba oil and run your fingers through your hair. Wrap a towel around your head and pass the night. Wake up in the morning to beautifully fragrant and healthy hair!36. Limit your use of extensions and wigs
We can understand your fancy for extensions and wigs. But do you know the kind of excessive hair damage and fall they can cause? These accessories will damage your healthy hair because they require lots of pinning, blow drying and usage of hair binding cosmetics.37. Apply sunscreen to your scalp
Who said sunscreen was only meant for skin? If you’re the type to go out in the sun a lot, simply apply the prescribed amount of special hair sunscreen on your scalp to protect your healthy hair from getting faded out and ruined by the sun.38. Avoid using hard water to wash hair
Did you know that hard water can permanently damage healthy hair? Hard water may contain hair damaging minerals like zinc, magnesium etc. that can make your hair rough. Check with your local council for any hard remains in your water supply.39. Mist your ends with water before home coloring
If you are coloring your hair at home, we suggest you spray water on your hair tips so that they become porous and don’t absorb the chemical of the hair color. To keep colored hair healthy, take this valuable tip.40. Don’t backcomb too much
Your local salon will use a lot of backcombing to give you some great hairstyles. But remember ladies, backcombing can cause a lot of tangles in your healthy hair.Photo Courtesy: adria.richards
41. Tie your hair up while exercising
This may sound insignificant but it goes a long way in keeping healthy hair. Not only will it be easy for you to exercise, but sweat beads on tied hair can be less smelly and damaging as compared to open hair while exercising.42. Don’t pluck out gray hairs with tweezers
We know some women who are obsessed with plucking out their grays with a tweezers. That’s alright if you’ve got to attend a party or an event, but if you keep doing this it on a regular basis, you will be opening up pores of your healthy hair wide open, which may lead to more grays popping out.43. Use a ceramic flat iron
If you love ironing your hair poker straight or giving your healthy hair luscious curls, use a heat iron made out of ceramic. There are many other irons available made out of cheaper materials. But to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, insist on a ceramic iron only.44. Avoid trying DIY color treatments
Yes friends, a lot of women do use DIY color packs at home, but have you seen the condition of their hair later on? There is a reason why certified professionals exist. Be safe and maintain healthy hair by getting them colored at a salon.45. Eat protein specific foods
Amongst all the good foods that you can eat, protein specific foods like eggs, poultry products and green veggies will give you a great dandruff free scalp. This won’t bring about overnight miracles but the long term effect of eating a good protein rich diet will work wonders for your hair.46. Stay away from stress
If you thought that your state of mind has nothing to do with hair loss or hair damage, you are absolutely wrong. Hair fall is directly proportional to stress factors of modern day life. Be happy to keep healthy hair, friends!47. Try the classic egg mix
We’ve all heard of that classic egg and mayonnaise mix for getting healthy hair but none of us has actually tried it, have we? For adding that extra bit of volume to your hair, beat up an egg and add 3-4 big teaspoons of mayonnaise. Massage this mixture onto your hair, all the way to your scalp and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Follow it up with a shower. Are you already dreaming of swaying, healthy hair?48. Use satin pillow cases
Do you wake up early in the morning only to see strands of your fallen hair all over the cotton pillow case? Don’t let your healthy hair be ruined this way. If you switch to a satin pillow case, you are likely to let lesser hair get caught in the smooth satin fabric.49. Detangle before a shower
Just try this tip for healthy hair once. Brush your hair before you go in for a shampoo session. When you run a wide toothed brush after your bath, you will see that your hair fall is significantly lesser.50. Deep condition without hassle
Get rid of dull, brittle, dandruff ridden hair by pre heating a towel in warm water and squeezing it dry. Wrap it around your hair and leave it for about 20 minutes before you take a hair wash. This will deep condition your roots in a jiffy and result in healthy hair that you’ve always wanted.http://www.magforwomen.com/