How To Save Money And Have A Budget Wedding
© Kgrigoryan |
A grand, candyfloss wedding is every woman’s dream, but not necessarily a reality. With the soaring inflation, do you know how expensive is it to have a gala wedding? In our opinion, it is wrong to think that a budget wedding is a shabby one. In fact, we think people who chose budget weddings are smarter than people who opt for those opulent ones. Follow these tips to get a memorable wedding without burning a hole in your tiara.
Rent as much as you can
Tell me something, what are you going do with all those decorations, crockery ware, flowers and bridesmaid accessories you bought, after your wedding is over? Chuck it into trash? Go slow ladies, be a little wiser and simply go the renting way! There are suppliers of almost every wedding titbit that you could ever need. Trust us, put the emotions aside for a bit, and save some money.
Wear your ancestral wedding dress
Tell us one occasion when you will wear it again after your wedding gets over. We’d rather suggest you go to your mum or granny’s place and ask her what she wore for her wedding. We are sure, that dress will be a little out of vogue for you but that’s where the fun begins. Why don’t you put your creativity to use and add cuts and frills to the dress that make it contemporary? This way, not only you will keep your ancestry garment alive, but also save some money.
Get liquor from wholesalers
Stack up some liquor from the wholesalers because you know that there are going to be tons of family and friends ready for merry making. Otherwise just the alcohol will cost you a bomb. Don’t be foolish and buy separate alcohol bottles from your local grocery store. And while we are at it, let us give you one more tip– just zero in on one type of spirit– wine is best in our opinion. This will end up saving you a lot of money in your wedding budget.
Choose a weekday and an off season
We know you are looking forward to that lovely Saturday wedding at the church lawns, but you can’t have the cake and eat it too, right? At least, not in the real world! Do you know what the biggest trick to a budget wedding is? Simple; don’t plan your wedding on a weekend. We know this sounds sly, but you have to be ready to it, if you want to cut costs! Weekends are always hot days for events aren’t they? Venue prices also shoot up during those days. Just avoid them.
Invite through emails
Seriously, we just can’t understand how people can spend lots of money on printing paper invites that are simply chucked into garbage once the guests read them. Grow up girls. Think about e-invites, saving the environment for a change! Aren’t all your friends on Facebook? How difficult is it to send them an e-invite?
Limit your guest list
If you’re planning to call your little brother’s friends’ girlfriend to your wedding, then forget about keeping your budget. It’s okay to have attended a wedding and not reciprocate and call them to yours. It’s not an underlying condition, you know. A budget is a budget, after all. We know this sounds harsh, but you just have to put a stone on your heart and cut down on your guests who really don’t matter much. We are sure you know that all the other expenses will be determined on how huge your guest list is, right?
Do you know that there are endless advantages of having a budget wedding? You can put your savings into a great honeymoon, building your new home, buying new electrical appliances, investing in a new stock and much more. Be smart about planning your budget wedding and no one will even know that you were ever on a budget!
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