8 Signs That You Are Ready For Marriage
Photo Courtesy: Nuno Duarte
Marriage is a life long commitment and a sacrament made between two people in love. It cannot be dealt with lightly. Both the man and the woman should be ready for marriage. If not, it will be a tough time for both of them managing with the wedlock. Are you ready for marriage? If you have the following signs then you surely are.
1. You get upset when others get married
You can’t really help but feel upset when your friends get married. You feel a sense of incompleteness when you see your friends getting hitched and wonder when you will be in their shoes. Sometimes you may even feel jealous of them and think, ‘Why do they have to get married before me?”
2. You can trust a man
You seriously have to trust a man completely before getting married and if you feel you do, then that’s a clear sign that you are ready to tie the knot. Trust is after all the most important factor in marriage. It’s hard to find a man whom you can trust completely, isn’t it girls? So if you’ve found one, then you can surely get married to him.
3. You like the sound of the words ‘we’ and ‘us’
You tend to grow up thinking about yourself and the words ‘I’ and ‘me’ matter a lot to you. But there comes a time, when you want to share things and be with a man. You feel to do things together such as shopping, going to the market, and similar things. You stop thinking just about yourself.
4. You often picture yourself with him
One sure sign that says you are ready for marriage is that you will actually feel to spend the rest of your life with him. You imagine yourself with him most of the time. If only you are invited to a party, you feel to take him along with you. Simply put, you just want him to be a permanent part of your future.
5. You accept his peculiarities
This is perhaps the most important one. You know everyone comes with their own quirkiness and anomalies. But the main thing here is if you know and accept all his unusualness, then you are prepared to marry him. You don’t cringe at the thought that he likes to listen to sad and sloppy songs in the middle of a busy day, instead you just smile at this funny behavior.
6. You are financially secure
Before you marry anybody you need to be financially independent. You just cannot take a step towards marriage, if you are not financially stable. Yes, you are in love and want to spend the rest of your life with him. But you also need to remind yourself that only love won’t buy you things or pay your credit card bills.
7. You make your long term plans with him
If you are making plans, that too long term ones with him, then you’re definitely set for getting married to him. This is one sign that you are thinking and planning your future with him by your side. This means you want him to be there with you and for you at all times. For instance, you both are saving finances now to be able to buy a decent home for yourselves.
8. You are ready to make small changes in your lifestyle
You have a daily set of activities and perhaps a schedule that you follow. Get up at 7. Reach work by 10. Be home at 6 and those sort of things. But if you are slowly and steadily bringing a change into your daily lifestyle such as not planning to go for a girls night out or taking a day off from work if he needs you for some chore, then you are ready for marrying him.
Just remember that marriage is no child’s play and if you are not ready, then don’t plan it now. You can wait for sometime and then think things through.