5 Hair Care Mistakes You Should Never Make
Photo Courtesy: D Sharon Pruitt
Are you taking all the possible hair care you can? Still not happy with the results? You could be making a few crucial hair care mistakes that no stylist at the salon will tell you about. Rule out a few of these mistakes to get a lovely mane.
1. Using inappropriate brushes
Are you using thick brushes for thin hair or vice versa? What a horror. We have seen a lot of women being very careless about this. This is common sense, ladies. Determine the thickness of your brush according to the density and volume of your hair and then buy one.
2. Sleeping with hair accessories on
Nope. You simply can’t give us the excuse that you leave your hair pins on because you’re tired to take them out. Your bob pins and clips may cause hair breakage when you twist and turn during sleep. Remove them at night, without fail.
3. Tying a bun or pony in the same area
Did you know that you should keep shifting the center point of tying your hair each time you comb it? This will ensure your hair does not get shaped in a particular way. Your scalp needs to breathe too, doesn’t it? So, leave your hair open the next time you feel pressure on your head.
4. Cutting hair at home
It’s not the same thing as cutting your boyfriend’s hair at home, ladies. You will wreck your hairstyle if you try to be too adventurous and cut your hair in front of your bathroom mirror. Make sure you visit your stylist for a haircut or else you might be the next Britney in the making.
5. Blow drying hair when it is wet
Why do you want to put your hair under such extremity? Whatever tearing hurry you might be in, you simply can’t blow dry your hair when it is dripping wet. Not only will you invite electrical hazards, you’ll completely ruin your hair. So use the towel before you switch the dryer on.
Although it sounds like common sense, we were surprised when we found how many women unknowingly commit such blunders. We’re pretty sure that you will end up with nice tresses if you avoid these common hair care mistakes.