How Fruits Help You To Lose Weight?
Photo Courtesy: ElvertBarnes
If you are tired of eating dull, boring and bland food while following a strict diet regimen under your weight loss plan, it’s time that you gave fruits a chance. Fruits should be a part of any diet plan not only because they’ve got great nutritional value but also because they taste great. Here are some reasons why you should add fruits to your diet plan.
Fruits have a high Vitamin C content
Okay, maybe you’ve heard this before but are you aware of what benefit this can have in your diet plan? Vitamin C has great antioxidant properties and is an essential part of your immune system. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, lemons and sweet limes are great sources of Vitamin C. Wouldn’t you want your immune system to be strong while you are planning to lose weight?
Fruits contain phytochemicals
Friends, you will not find phytochemical contents on the back of any packaging because it has not been tested enough to gather substantive evidence of its proper dosage and effects. However, phytochemicals have been long used in medicines which have anti-inflammatory properties, pain relieving properties, the ability to reduce the risk of cancer and properties of disease prevention. Your body would receive less than normal nutrition content when you diet, wouldn’t it? Fruits will be a great way to balance out this deficiency by providing the body with phytochemicals that promote long term cellular well-being.
Fruits are low calorie foods
We know you love the sound of the word ‘low calories’, don’t you? Fruits are low calorie foods that are a great help to any woman who wishes to lose weight. You can replace your breakfast of pancakes and maple syrup with a nice yummy bowl of fresh fruit mixed with some low fat yogurt. It is no surprise that fruits will be an essential part of your diet plan.
Fruits are a great way to keep hydrated
We know that your diet plan may mean a lower intake of food combined with some exercise. Ladies, there will not be an important time to be hydrated than now. Are you relying on bottled or canned drinks to keep yourself going during the day? Why don’t you replace those with fresh fruit juices? Besides keeping you hydrated, fruit juices will be a good source of vitamins and minerals which will help you to achieve your weight loss goals quicker.
Fruits add variety to any diet plan
We think that the word ‘diet’ scares many women because of the fear of eating dull and boring food. Even we wouldn’t like to munch on boiled vegetables and low fat foods all day. This is where fruits step in and brighten up our day. If you feel like biting into something sweet during your diet regime, why don’t you try some fresh guava? Pears are great too. Or maybe a banana which will taste great and give you energy? You get the point, don’t you? Going on a diet does not mean missing out on great tasting food.
Now do you see why fruits will go a long way in helping you achieve your diet and weight loss goals? We suggest you grab fresh fruit from the market every alternate day and stock up your fruit basket. Keep it on the dining table or carry it to work. Go fruitilicious, we say.