How To Know If It Is Love?
Photo Courtesy: pixajen
Love is the word you use for everything. You love God and you love candies. It seems like this word has started to lose its meaning a bit. But, if we talk of real and deep love, how to know if you really have it for the person you date? Read on for some tips.
1. Make sure you love the real person
When you fall in love or feel affectionate for someone, you tend to endow this person with some unrealistic qualities. That is why, there are so many divorces happening out there. People think they love him or her, but it turns out that they loved someone else, someone who never existed, apart from their imagination. So, make sure you know the real person and then check out, if you love him or her.
2. Sit down and analyze your feelings and sensations
Is it love or sex? Yes, these two come together in one package. But, you can get sex without love, you know. So, make sure you are not confusing these two concepts. Love is more than just a good sex or infatuation with a person.
3. Evaluate your entire relationship
Don’t just contemplate on your feelings for the person. Think of the relationship as a whole. Does this relationship meet your expectations? Are you willing to sacrifice some things for its sake?
4. Describe your feelings for the person
Even write them down. This would help you to get a better idea of what really is going on in the inside of you. Learn how far you are willing to go with that person and what you are willing to do for him or her. Try to do something you do not like. See how you feel about it. Love is about giving, not only receiving.
5. Try to describe this person to yourself
Write down all his or her positive and negative qualities. If you’ve got little or no negative sides written down, most likely you do not know the person, whom you think you love. We all have the dark side to deal with, right?
These are the simplest ways to find out if what you’re feeling is true love. If you get positive response from your self-questioning, then probably you are endowed with the best gifts that can be, true love. Enjoy it.