9 Qualities To Look For In A Boyfriend
Photo Courtesy: Alaskan Dude
What are the things that you must look for in a boyfriend? Put all the conventional rules aside. Pick a guy of your dreams and only follow your heart. If it works out, good for you. If it doesn’t, it will just teach you some new tricks of trade in the dating world. Here are 10 things you can look for in a boyfriend.
1. Good looks
Yes, looks fade with time, but when you are beginning your relationship, doesn’t it feel nice to see a handsome face by your side? Besides whether your relationship works or doesn’t work, you can always brag to your girl friends that you dated this hot hunk once.2. Romantic freak
Which girl doesn’t want a guy who always makes her feel special in every possible way? Search for someone who writes poems for you, sends you gifts, surprises you and makes everyday like you are living a dream. Go for a guy who keeps telling you how beautiful you are and how lucky he is to have found you. Spending time with such a guy can be such a stress reliever!3. Ambition
Go for a guy who has some kind of ambition in mind. Make sure that he knows what he wants to do with his life. Only then you may have a future with him. He doesn’t need to be Richie Rich to keep you happy, however some amount of financial security won’t hurt, right?4. Loyalty
It doesn’t matter in what generation you live in or how open minded you are, no girl will be able to tolerate her boyfriend cheating on her. Loyalty is the most important quality of a relationship. Don’t go for a boy who would cheat you. No matter how irresistible the Casanovas are, they never change.5. Humor
They say laughter is like sunshine even on a dull day. It is one of the most essential qualities in a relationship that can add magic in the relationship and keep the spark on for a very long time. Go for a boy who has the ability to make you laugh, even on your saddest day.6. Someone who can stand up for himself
If a guy cannot stand up for himself, he will never be able to stand up for you as well. Go for a boy who acts like a boy, not for someone who chickens out when he is under pressure.7. Someone who can control his temper
Anger management is very important. Don’t ever date a boy who abuses you either physically or verbally, when he is angry. Such a guy, no matter how good he is, is not worth it.8. Sensitivity
Go for someone who understands you and is sensitive towards your feelings. This world is filled with hard-hearted people, make sure you are not with one of them.9. Dream boy
Every girl has this certain fantasy of dating a particular kind of guy for some unknown reason. Some girls get attracted to bad boys, while others to jocks. Some get attracted to goths, while some others to the class clown. Whatever your dream guy is like, when you’re looking out for a boyfriend, make sure the guy you choose has some qualities that you dreamt of in your partner.Lastly, put everything aside and pay attention to your inner self. Sometimes it is good to just follow what your heart tells you to. Most of the time it is right!
These are 9 things to look for in a boyfriend. Some guys may have some qualities in abundance, while some qualities may be missing. No two guys are the same. However, the most important thing in any guy is that he has a nice heart. Nice heart doesn’t mean he must be good to you. It means he must treat others around you in the same way. No matter how good of a boyfriend he is, if he is not a good person, you will be making the biggest blunder of your life. Because at the end of the day it is the heart that matters.