03 เมษายน 2555

10 Signs Of a Good Relationship

10 Signs Of a Good Relationship  

10 Signs Of a Healthy Relationship
Photo Courtesy: Kjunstorm

Finding someone who is compatible with you is really hard and difficult. It is very fortunate to find the right partner and have a good relationship. But, the question is what makes the relationship healthy? If you are not sure of your relationship and want to know the signs of a good relationship, read ahead.

1. Firstly, both of the partners should treat each other with respect, kindness, affection and love. If your relationship has these 4 things, then yours is a good relationship.

2. Both of you should know each other’s likes and dislikes and accept them cheerfully. Acceptance denotes respect towards each other.

3. A good relationship always has a sense of trust and honesty. If you or your partner hides interest, hobbies, friends and other relations, it is not a good relationship. Both of you should always cheer up and support each other when the other person fails.

4. Both partners must be comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts, feelings, fears, emotions and other things with each other. Partners in a good relationship rarely lie to each other.

5. Both you and your partner must listen to what the others has to say without interrupting and forgive each other’s mistakes.

6. Respecting each other’s privacy and giving each other enough time and space is one of the prerequisites for a good relationship.

7. Partners must show sensitivity to each other’s needs, share spiritual beliefs, willingly make sacrifices, and never judge or force one’s opinion on the other.

8. Partners, sharing a good relationship, set and maintain their boundaries and respect the boundaries and limitations of each other.

9. You need to take out quality time from your schedule in order to cherish the relationship.

10. The most important signs of a good relationship are open communication, interdependence, appreciation and enjoying physical contact like hugs, kisses, sex, cuddling etc.


